
Competencies, Milestones, NAS

Geriatric Fellowship Competencies and Educational Program Objectives


证明安全, 有效的, 及时的, efficient and equitable patient-centered care that promotes health, 生活质量, prevention of illness and treatment of disease. 我们的毕业生将:

  1. Elicit an accurate history and perform an appropriate physical examination with an organized and respectful approach.
  2. Construct a comprehensive problem list and differential diagnosis
  3. Conduct focused and comprehensive patient encounters for acute and chronic medical presentations and health maintenance.
  4. Develop prioritized intervention and management plans using current scientific knowledge.
  5. Utilize 临床ly relevant research to assess the accuracy and precision of diagnostic tests (including the 临床 examination) and the efficacy and safety of therapeutic, 康复, and preventative regimens as they pertain to care and decision-making


Demonstrate and apply knowledge of established and evolving biomedical, 临床, 流行病学, social and behavioral sciences. 我们的毕业生将:

  1. Recognize normal structure and function of the human body, and demonstrate knowledge of the underlying scientific principles and mechanisms.
  2. Identify the mechanisms of disease and their corresponding effects on the human body.
  3. Identify appropriate treatments for common diseases and presentations.
  4. Apply knowledge of epidemiology to 临床 problem-solving of common diseases.
  5. Assess the determinants of health, and identify interventions that will improve the health of a population.

CS: Interpersonal and Communication Skills

Demonstrate interpersonal and communication 技能 that result in 有效的, patient-centered 临床 care. 我们的毕业生将:

  1. Communicate 有效的ly and establish rapport with individual patients with diverse backgrounds.
  2. 提供及时的, clear and accurate written and oral information about patients to other healthcare professionals.
  3. 向, and practice shared decision-making and behavioral change techniques with patients and families.


Demonstrate a commitment to the highest standards of competence, 道德, integrity and accountability to patients and the profession. 我们的毕业生将:

  1. Demonstrate ethical and professional behaviors and choices in all roles and settings as a medical student.
  2. Demonstrate professional responsibility through compliance with regulatory requirements of the university and profession.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of the obligations of the profession to the community and society.

LI: Practice-Based Learning and Improvement

Demonstrate habits of self-directed learning and self-evaluation for acquisition of new knowledge, 技能 and behaviors to provide optimal patient care. 我们的毕业生将:

  1. Engage in reflective practice as an intentional learner through acceptance and incorporation of feedback and commitment to personal improvement goals.
  2. Identify gaps in knowledge and utilize resources and technologies to improve knowledge and 技能.
  3. Integrate and apply best evidence including current research in patient-centered care.

PH: Systems Based Practice and Population Health

Analyze the complexities of health care systems and work 有效的ly within these systems to advocate for and provide quality patient care. 我们的毕业生将:

  1. Describe the structure, delivery and finance of major health care systems.
  2. Analyze opportunities for cost 有效的ness in medical practice.
  3. Identify systems and methodology to ensure patient safety and quality improvement in health care delivery.


This document presents milestones designed for programs to use in semi-annual review of fellow performance and reporting to the ACGME. 里程碑是知识, 技能, 的态度, and other attributes for each of the ACGME competencies that describe the development of competence from an early subspecialty learner up to and beyond that expected for unsupervised practice. In the initial years of implementation, the Review Committee will examine Milestone performance data for each program’s fellows as one element in the Next Accreditation System (NAS) to determine whether fellows overall are progressing.